Principle and functioning

Night lenses

Orthokeratology: what is it?

Did you know that orthokeratology lenses come from an ancestral Chinese technique, where the myopic placed on their eyelids at night small bags of sand to reduce their visual disorder and to see clearly during the day? This is how the term “orthokeratology” was born, to allow individuals to correct their eyesight during their sleep, to clearly see the day, without need of equipment (glasses or lenses), regardless of their visual disorder.

In addition, orthokeratology has benefited in recent years from major innovations (including DRL® night lenses), both in lens designs and in materials, and is also considered a reference solution to manage myopia in children. Therefore, children, teenagers, and adults no longer have any restrictions related to wearing glasses or contact lenses during the day, and they now enjoy, in their daily activities, a quality of vision as if they had no visual defects.


Orthokeratology: who are they for?

Whether it is to correct the sight of children, youth, adults or seniors, there are different ranges of orthokeratology lenses to correct:



up to –7.00D

Visual impairment resulting in a difference between near vision (which is clear) and far vision (which is blurred).



up to +4.00D

Visual impairment resulting, on the other hand, into blurred vision from near but clear by distance.



up to -4.00D

Visual impairment resulting in deformation of objects due to abnormality in corneal curvature.



up to +3.00D

Age-related visual impairment where vision is blurred at close range due to weakening of the crystalline lens (loss of flexibility).


Orthokeratology: how to use night lenses?

After your appointment with your ophthalmologist and following your prescriber’s fitting sessions, here are the key steps to follow each evening:

Juste avant de dormir, posez vos lentilles DRL®. A noter que pour conserver chaque jour la même qualité de vision, il est nécessaire de porter les lentilles d’orthokératologie tous les soirs.
Après vous être couché, il est recommandé de dormir avec les lentilles d’orthokératologie au moins 6 heures pour que le traitement soit efficace.
Le remodelage se fait en douceur et de façon progressive tout au long de la nuit, le temps minimum de sommeil requis.
Au réveil, vous profiterez d’une vision naturellement nette et ce, pour une durée de 16h à 18h, après quoi, la vision commencera à se dégrader peu à peu.


Orthokeratology: advantages

DRL® night lenses offer many benefits, including:

  • Enjoy visual freedom as they compensate for the need for daytime equipment (contact lenses or glasses)
  • Practice your favorite sport, including water activities
  • Avoid losing or breaking glasses
  • Limit infectious risks
  • Curb and correct myopia in children and youth
  • Handle contact lenses under parental control (for children only)


Orthokeratology: how to acquire them?



Night lenses (orthokeratology) are medical devices whose fitting must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Several check-in appointments with the prescriber will be required at the beginning of the equipment.


It depends on countries, but in France the price is between 400€ and 500€ the pair of night lenses (excluding the prescriber’s fitting fees). In addition, there are preferential rates for children and young up to the age of 25 to prevent the evolution of their myopia.

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